







ご紹介するイントロダクションは2020年のCellに掲載された Iserman らの論文”Condensation of Ded1p promotes a translational switch from housekeeping to stress protein production(Ded1pの凝集によりハウスキーピングタンパクからストレスタンパク産生へのスイッチングが促進される)”です。




まずはGraphical Abstractをチェック

では早速、PDFファイルの1枚目を見てみましょう。Graphical Abstractがありますね。雪だるまのような形は酵母の細胞です。通常、細胞の中では、生きていくのに必要なたんぱく質を合成するために、ハウスキーピング遺伝子のmRNAが翻訳されます。









To survive a heat shock, all organisms activate a process known as the heat shock response. This stress response program represses expression of housekeeping proteins and promotes production of stress-protective proteins. In eukaryotes, the transcription factor Hsf1 promotes transcription of a wide range of stress-protective genes that are then translated by ribosomes in the cytoplasm to produce stress-protective proteins.


Iserman et al., 2020, Cell 181: 1-14

この段落のキーワードはheat shock response(熱ショック応答)です。熱ショック応答の概要、つまり温度上昇→転写ON→翻訳ON→熱ショックタンパク質発現という一連のプロセスが説明されています。



The heat shock response involves changes on the level of transcription but also on the level of translation. For example, exposure of yeast to heat shock induces a rapid and long-lasting translational shutdown. Moreover, extracts made from heat-shocked Drosophila cells preferentially translate heat shock transcripts, whereas extracts made from unstressed cells indiscriminately translate housekeeping and heat shock transcripts. This led to the proposal that there is a specific factor that discriminates between these two types of transcripts. However, the nature of the responsible factor and the features that distinguish housekeeping and stress transcripts have remained unknown. Recent studies revealed that heat-induced translation regulation coincides with assembly of large ribonucleoprotein granules called stress granules (SGs), which efficiently inhibit protein synthesis by sequestering mRNAs and translation factors.


Iserman et al., 2020, Cell 181: 1-14

第2段落では、話題が一段階フォーカスされ、翻訳レベルの制御について最近の知見が紹介されています。なのでキーワードはtranslation regulationとなります。

また、仮説(This led to the proposal that… )とリサーチクエスチョン(However…)が登場しましたね。「ハウスキーピング遺伝子の転写産物と熱ショックにより誘導された転写産物とを区別する仕組みがあると考えられているが、その実態はわかっていない」というわけです。




In recent years, the principle of phase separation has emerged as a way to describe the assembly of SGs. Phase separation is a process by which a homogeneous solution of components, such as proteins, separates to form a dense phase (or condensate) that coexists with a dilute phase. Condensate assembly appears to be an ideal mechanism for stress adaptation for two reasons: (1) it is very sensitive to changes in physical-chemical conditions as they occur during stress, and (2) it can specifically regulate protein activities. In agreement with this idea, many proteins assemble into higher-order structures upon heat stress. The predominant view is that accumulation of insoluble proteins during heat stress is a result of uncontrolled protein misfolding. However, recent studies have suggested that some of the assemblies may be adaptive condensates. Similar findings were made in yeast subjected to starvation or pH stress. Importantly, preventing condensate assembly is associated with fitness defects. Why and how the condensates protect cells from stress, however, is still unknown.


Iserman et al., 2020, Cell 181: 1-14

翻訳レベルでの制御、具体的にはphase separationと呼ばれる現象がどのように行われているのか、カギを握るのはassembly of SGs(ストレス顆粒の凝集)のようですね。これがタンパク質のフォールディングの異常により起こるという説(The predominant view is…)と、適応現象として濃縮が積極的に起こるという説(However, recent studies…)があるが、よくわかっていない(Why and how … is still unknown)、と書かれています。前段落と同様、段落の最後に仮説とリサーチクエスチョンがセットになって記載されています。



One component of yeast SGs is the essential translation initiation factor Ded1p. Ded1p is an ATP-dependent Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp (DEAD)-box RNA helicase. It resolves secondary structure in the 5′ untranslated regions (UTRs) of mRNAs to facilitate ribosomal scanning and identification of the start codon. Accordingly, changes in cellular Ded1p levels have dramatic effects on gene expression. Interestingly, Ded1p rapidly becomes insoluble upon heat shock, but the nature and function of stress-induced Ded1p assemblies have remained unclear.


Iserman et al., 2020, Cell 181: 1-14

 いよいよ主人公Ded1pの登場です。Ded1pとは一体何者なのか?について説明されています。翻訳開始因子Ded1p はDEAD-box型RNAヘリカーゼの一種で、熱ショックにより蓄積するのですが、「その特性や機能は分かっていない」というわけです。これが3回目にして最後のリサーチクエスチョンになります。



Here we show that Ded1p acts as a stress sensor that directly responds to sudden changes in environmental conditions. We find that Ded1p phase separation is strongly correlated with the magnitude and duration of a heat stress stimulus and that Ded1p condensation occurs rapidly at temperatures above 39°C. Using time-lapse fluorescence microscopy and in vitro reconstitution biochemistry, we show that the heterotypic interaction of Ded1p and mRNA results in assembly of soft gel-like condensates that are reversible upon cessation of stress. We further demonstrate that condensate assembly represses translation of structurally complex housekeeping mRNAs, whereas structurally simple stress mRNAs, including those encoding heat shock proteins, escape translational repression. We propose that heat-induced phase separation of Ded1p drives an evolutionarily conserved extended heat shock response program that selectively downregulates translation of housekeeping transcripts and arrests cell growth.


Iserman et al., 2020, Cell 181: 1-14

はい、毎度おなじみの”Here we show …”が出てきました。このフレーズで始まる一文が、「この論文が何を示したか」を最も端的に表しています。

なので、1~4段落では「背景」と「問題提起」が書かれていたのですが、5段落では「解決方法&結果」が書かれていることが分かりますね。We find that …(第2文)、… we show that …(第3文)、We further demonstrate that …(第4文)と結果の概要が記載され、最後のWe propose that …(第5文)で結論が書かれています。第1文と第5文は、工夫された表現が用いられているのでハイライトを入れました。

